Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Never Pick up Food has Fat"

Today, for Social Studies class we learned about different rules, and the importance of having rules. After the lesson, I had the kids choose their favorite rule (or what they thought was the most important rule or make up a new rule) and design a poster with the rule listed on the top and a big illustration in the middle. I was thoroughly impressed with the rules they chose as their favorites and the rules they came up with themselves, some included; “Always Eat Your Vegetables,” “Hold the Banister When Walking Down the Stairs,” “Ask Permission to get out of your Seat,” “Always ask before Leaving the Room,” and “Make New Friends” just to mention a few. But I must say I think my favorite was when one of my girls got the wording a little wrong on her poster and instead of writing, “Never Pick up Food that has fallen on the Floor” she wrote, “Never Pick up Food has Fat.” It was hilarious and her picture was just priceless.

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