Friday, September 3, 2010

I teeech yuuuu Chinese!

Happy Friday! Not only did I survive my first typhoon this week, I also made it through my first few days as a first grade teacher! My adorable little students learned classroom procedures, rules, and the daily schedule along with having their very first lessons in English, Math, Social Studies, Art, Chinese, and PE. For the most part, they are all very well behaved with the exception of a few that never want to stay seated and continually ask me questions in Chinese. Since the school is international, we have students from all over the world ranging from China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore, to Italy, Germany, France, and even the US. I have mostly Chinese students in my class, but I also have a couple Koreans, and an Italian. It’s truly amazing that some of these children are able to speak 3 languages fluently only being in the first grade - It makes me wish I grew up learning more than one language at a time!

During lunch today, I asked some of my kids to teach me Chinese, one of my little boys replies with, “duu nuut worry Ms. V, I teeech yeuuu Chinese!” So, the rest of the lunch period he proceeds to try to teach me Chinese, while my other students begin quizzing me on numbers and little words while giggling because I can’t seem to remember anything or get any of the pronunciations correct! It was HILARIOUS to say the least, and everyone had a great time! I think it’s especially good for the children to see me struggle with their native language and show them it’s ok to make mistakes. I hope by doing this everyday they will be more apt to speaking in class and not be so nervous, knowing that I am going through the same thing (and sometimes making a fool out of myself in order to learn!) All in all I had a wonderful start to the school year and can’t wait to see what the rest of the semester will bring!

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