Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Teacher's Day

What a wonderful holiday! Some of my students made me cards and others brought me flowers and gifts – so sweet and such a nice way to end my first full week! My kids had their first tests today, and for the most part I was very pleased with their performance. We had a little trouble with some of the spelling words (bad, had, mat, hat, can, pan) but now I know to put more emphasis on them for next week!

The school put on a very nice banquet for us Friday evening to celebrate Teacher’s Day. A lot of the teachers play instruments, sing, dance, etc. so, towards the end of the banquet those teachers performed. After the banquet, a lot of us went to this really cool new bar. It was a lot of fun since we had all just come from the banquet and were able to relax and have a good time. The owner of the bar was absolutely hilarious! He introduced himself as Steve but wanted me to call him “Big Steve” since I told him I had a brother named Stephen. What a great man – he serenaded us with Elvis, as well as traditional Chinese songs and proceeded to dance and hang out with us all night. All in all, Teacher’s Day was a huge success!

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