As many of you may or may not know, toilets in China are NOT always easy to come by. Bathrooms? sure, no problem! But an actual toilet as we know it.... well that's another whole story! Typically, toilets, bathroom, and everything involved, is not something that is often talked about, but for reasons soon to be revealed, NEEDS mentioning!
So of course I heard about the so called "hole in the ground" (or "squat pot" for lack of better words) but nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, could prepare me for my first actual experience using such technology (or lack there of.) Let's be honest
- I was scared! How do I balance? What if I fall? Do I flush the TP or put in the bin next to me? What if the pot clogs because I flushed the paper and it overflows? AHHHHH!!!!!!
Well, I survived and I must say my first experience wasn't that bad!
Now, if you know me at all, you'll know that I LOVE a pro and con list so - behold!!!
The first squat..... A+ = Pro List
*You don't have to touch ANYTHING!
*To flush - just step on the foot pedal! *environmentally friendly - GO GREEN!
*You usually get a door that locks!
After experiencing my first squat (and living to tell the tale) I thought I was up for
anything.... little did I know what was lurking in my future - "the bad and the ugly" - writing a con list never felt so good!
Please Note: the "moat" like concoction that's happening here - one "bathroom"
connected to the next, and next, and next....
The Second Squat...... F = Con List
* The Smell
* Leg muscle cramps
* The LACK of doors
* Poor Aim resulting in
slippery floors...
* Splashing....
(sorry but it's true)
There you have it - you be the judge - To Squat or Not to Squat?
Now THAT'S a question worth asking!
Wow, I've never seen a squatter like the second photo!