Thursday, October 21, 2010

why I love first grade...

"what's your favorite color?"

"If you could give the children from the past a gift, what would you give?"
"I would give the children a PSP, pretty dresses, a necklace, and you Ms. V because you're a really good teacher to me."

"Hey Jude, We all live in a Yellow Submarine, A Kuna Matata..."

"Ms. V, I give you star today because you very beautiful!"

"I sorry teacher, sometimes I just like to yell."

"Ms. V, If you're going to be mean today, I'm going to give you an 'X'!"

"My favorite part of school is Science and Ms. V"

"Do you have an siblings"
"Yes, I have little brother."
"You're mom told me you have a sister...?"
"No, I think it's a brother"

walking back from lunch - "Ms. V, I want to hold your hand because you're a lady and I'm a gentleman and that's nice to do."

In regard to my Halloween costume - "Ms. V, why you look so funny?"

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