Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Final day of Outdoor Excursions

I think today was my favorite day of the entire trip! We slept in a little later than the last few days, (around 8:30) had breakfast, and then rented bikes for the day. The four of us ended up mapping out a route and biking all around Yangshou, we got lost a few times along the way and our 4hour bike tour ended up being 6hours! We started off strong and alive – making it to the mid-point without any problems! But once we crossed Dragon Bridge that all began to change…. We couldn’t seem to get our directions correct and ended up making lots of wrong turns. Towards the end of our bike excursion we were so lost that a local Chinese farmer had to show us the way! What a blessing he became – not only did he lead us through his fields he also took us on his bamboo raft across the river singing the entire way! He was so much fun and we were so thankful for him! Once we were on track again we stopped and had a yummy lunch at Giggling Tree, about 3miles out of the main town. By the time we got back we were exhausted so we showered, took a little rest, then spent the rest of the night walking around town and doing some bargain shopping!

Wednesday was the final day of our outdoor National Holiday excursion! We spent our final day shopping and walking around Yangshou! I had a wonderful time and can honestly say it was one of the best and most exciting vacations I’ve ever been had! I love love love CHINA!!!!

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