Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hey Seoul Sister (Korea!)

I knew I was going to love Korea as soon as I began walking in the airport and found the ice skating rink! What an ice skating rink was doing in the middle of an airport.... I have NO idea but I fully support it and loved every second! Before embarking on our journey I did lots of research (via lonely planet and asking friends)about Korea, yet I still had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to find the city of Seoul was not only extremely westernized but among the BEST shopping I have experienced in Asia! OMG! It was incredible! The clothes were all SO CUTE and I couldn't get enough of the shoes and bags (and even socks!) All I know for certain is that it's a GOOD thing I don't live there because I would never be able to save any money with shopping as great as it was in Seoul! Unfortunately, the prices are very comparable to the states, so we weren't getting the good deals we're used to in China, but for a quick 5 day trip I certainly wasn't going to complain!

Among the amazing shopping, we also ate tons of yummy foods! I'm not one to typically eat street food (especially at home in Shanghai) yet for some reason whenever I'm traveling, I think it's a good idea to try everything! We ate lots of Kimchi, Seafood pancakes, and delicious Korean BBQ!

Although it may seem like we didn't do anything but shop and eat, I promise we got our educational experiences in as well. We visited both the Korean War Museum as well as the DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone)which separates North and South Korea. It was very interesting to see and experience the hope South Korea has for unification of Korea though the peace flags and video clips when visiting the DMZ.

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