Friday, July 22, 2011

Paragliding in Pokhara

To say I was ready to get out of Chitwan, is an understatement! I honestly COULDN'T WAIT! I began dreaming of electricity, a hot shower, a meal without wondering if I was crunching down on a beetle, and internet. Thank you Pokhara, you not only answered my prayers but also got me back to normalcy and (literally) lifted my spirits for another 2 weeks of traveling!

Pokhara, Nepal can be best described as an outdoor adventurer's dream come true! It's not only breathtakingly beautiful, but it's lively, and offers just about any outdoor excursion you could imagine. From month long trekking adventures through the Himalayas and up to Everest, to paragliding, canoeing, biking, and airplane tours, the options are endless! We decided to embark on a paragliding adventure where we literally ran off a cliff and were lifted up in the sky by a parachute! Our 30min of flying was one of the most incredible things I have ever done!

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